FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Cup of coffee which couldn't be put in the dishwasher unless it was autoclaved. The test tube babies were puttylike compared to those conceived normally. The autoclave cheered when
13have you. In the future, we will ride personal dinosaurs, wear powder-blue jumpsuits and eat food in a tube. In the future, we will send a cow to the moon.
10I was tired of being so clever and self-involved, but the baroque tapestry of my superior mind had already been woven. I avoided commoners for their sake; even a simple "hello"
145) Burned all of my SilverSpoons episodes to disc. I love me some Ricky Shroder. 6) Re-record my answering machine message to include my new kitten's name, Meowsers. 7) Go grocery
10Unfortunately, home faced the world. But I would persevere, on my small floating green moon with its leaping brooks and wildflowers. My hobbit-like cottage nestled in a hollow,