FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10the tables, spilled six Shirley Temples, and ate the flowering table centerpiece. Like most lizardfolk, Leif was not the best customer, but he loved Rupert's accordion recitals the
11bedside table, damaging it almost beyond repair. Atlas took a moment and then set to work, repairing it. The boulder really did do a number on it. He lost
37[Ominous brass] [Clashing, discordant cymbals]
15Have you ever noticed that "Arkansas" is just "Kansas" with an "Ar" in front of it?
10of course climbed the third. "Bugger this Bramble of Buggery." Was the general consensus of the travellers after a rough ten minutes. "Let's find a nice Fern of Fondling instead."