FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I have recently noticed that some Folders are using Shark Lady, Det. Manatee, and Mrs. Quackenbush as characters in a trifle many (did I just use an oxymoron?) folds..any others?
10So let us now, with a kiss and a twerk / Get down to our most cellular work / Overpopulation is a bore / But what the heck, let's make one more.
11limerich was a doozey. George said, "There Once was a tourist from Tacoma..." a crowd gathered, everyone loved a good Limerick Battle
10eating right out of a Campbell's Soup can. "Wow. Just wow." he said. "Nice touch." With a quick edit, he upped his score to 3.5 out of 10, the highest score he'd ever granted.
11right into a Puerto Rican family reunion. That was just mean. Three days later my Aunt Gracy skipped town with the sparkling jewels. She was in Prague, selling them to a fence