FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13I didn't enjoy sharing my bunk with you last night. Being my cell mate doesn't automatically entitle you to a foot massage, you're going to have to work for that privilege. xoxo.
10"Forget nutrition," the Governor said. Meals must be entertaining! Bore some holes in a cucumber, hold it over a teakettle, and it will play like a flute!
12"Come into my parlor. I'll make us some killer French fries," she said as he suddenly realized he was stuck, caught. " I already in your 'parlor'?" he asked Spiderwoman.
15may be. That is good. Welcome newcomer. May FoldingStory be as much as you had hoped, Shadowsheart. Firebolt391d wrote this hoping to create a greater sense of community.
11But, like so many marriages, it also had an expiration date. Thus, on my wedding night, I dove right in and went to town eating my new spouse, the box of PB Crunch. Yum!!