FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10. Since the creature was beyond comprehension, Number One did a perfectly human thing: he pretended it wasn't there,enraging the morphed orb creature. So it became a dapper young
13was prancing around, pitchfork in one shank, seeking out sinners! The butcher & his wife screamed at the sight of their succulent dinner searching for fresh meat itself. They leapt
10know what you're talking about, and wear your tinfoil hat." Dan said, as he handed a triangular cone to put on my head. "Dan, are you sure the aliens are invading now?" I asked him
10the local news station: The Local-motive. Unfortunately, his plan did not work, meaning he wasn't hired and he was shamed forever for applying the tic tacs in the wrong order. "Oh-
13I can clearly not go down that path. Learning Battish was my only alternative. That was not an alternative I wished to consider further but every way I figured I always wound up th