FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12But their cheerful little Christmas Spirits were not easily hampered. Their merry hearts burst forth with "Oh Come All Ye Faithful" when the pirate poked his bearded chin out again
10And why could I remember the future?I pondered these questions while walking backwards to the bathroom,washing hands,then sit on the toilet,having a dump shoot up my butt.Wait a se
11was instantly disintegrated, leaving behind only a dark, smoldering mark on the floor. No one has messed with that particular cashier again since. True story.
12Roberta sat in the boardroom, trembling in her designer dress. Had her brilliant deception been uncovered or was the boss about to give her a
10"Jorge Titsworth, watching, masturbating, & laughing." It made no sense, but strangely, other foldsters voted for his folds. Truth be told, he was a passive-aggressive folder. He