FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10" Sharon looked up from her motorcycle repair. Her sneer evolved into astonishment. Steve was a blank and he knew it, and he was sincere. "Hop on, babe. We'll see how it goes." Fi
19gigantic doggy nose hairs. I'd never seen anything like it. I could get lost in those nostrils. A giant voice boomed, "Fiiiiido, c'mere here!" Buckets of dog drool splattered
19he told me I could use it to purify drinking water. And cook pizza. And make shrinky-dink keychains! I wasn't sure if that made it worth $500, but I still needed a pregnancy test,
11a 1600 mile long dark ride, the kind with boats in a flume. The theme would be horror fiction and the darker aspects of history. You could park your boat and camp in the scenes.
11alike suffered in the war that ensued. It was bean against bean. Legless legumes were showing up at the hospitals in droves and were fitted with tiny wheelchairs. Widow beans wept