FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12the inconvenience." The others relieved by the sense of routine returned to their shopping. I shoved the snoring body into the cart and inconspicuously wheeled it towards checkout
10d jowls & pockets of stubborn cellulite on his thighs. It was so embarrassing! Rambo wiped the butter from his mouth & called Richard Simmons to whip his ass back into shape.
10building and drifted our way. Cool as a cucumber Ronna looked me straight in the eyes and said: "Actually, I think I can get away with it."
11snapping pictures of his bare bum as she chased after him with the skirt of her nun's habit gathered in her fist. His bum appeared online and he became a meme overnight with
10"Alright, it's all up to me," I told me. "Gotta use your instincts. Never give up." The door was closed, and the carnivorous goldfish were now flopping into it. Then silence.