FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11The βOr Are You Just Happy To See Me?β category of folds consists of innuendo folds and those with goofy puns. Next we have the "Wait, Whaaat?" category that contains
14SlimWhitman was the second author of this folding story. He's been with Foldingstory since the early cretaceous.He likes a good pun, running gags & funny folds, unlike this one.
10as she careened wildly through the Mall of America, spray-painting designated not-to-exceed lines on benches and placing bench hogs under citizen's arrest. When she tried to detain
152. That 'that' is a filler word. That word can be dropped wtih no consequences to the fold and that 'and' can be replaced by '&' to save space, if you want to make room for content
11Just a few gulps of pink paint, and an hour or so with the belt sander took care of those little details. Frankie assessed himself in the mirror. Not bad for a monster! The reunion