FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13A man will only marry out of love or necessity. Anything love demands is a necessity. These were my thoughts as I drove through the morning fog into Vicksburg. Love or necessity.
11one of the minor side effects. Anyway three digit green hands with two opposable suction cups & a snorkel was sure to be a hit at the Halloween party. They came in handy at the
10too enthralling. Only when I looked up & saw my fiancé's mobility scooter was gone as well as my fiancé, did I realise I was alone again. It still hurts, even though I'm old.
11would end up a social outcast, accused of breaking rules like a common rebel or at the very least looked down on as someone who couldn't handle their shit. Number! You undid me in
10His file folder but he claims he doesn't know the name. He has a list of all the names, except this one. His notebook is filled with handwritten research done at night in a library