FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10blushed. "I'll always be James, even when I'm Archbishop of Canterbury!" he said with heat. Ex Inspector Lewis was shocked by the potato bugs' massive size & morose demeanour. "Who
11be a dog who plays soccer." Valetta stared at him in burning disbelief. Officer O'Malley slammed his fists against his head again and this time the craziest thing
10to their grave. After Chuck Woolreacher dissapeared during a Snape hunt locals shun the area around Camp Crystal, but the students from Mt Crisco U had never head of the Masked Man
10is and I, frankly speaking, reveled in it. There is nothing more heady that the scent of sweaty unwashed bodies moving in unison to Pink Floyd,who were stockholders in Hemp Panties
152. That 'that' is a filler word. That word can be dropped wtih no consequences to the fold and that 'and' can be replaced by '&' to save space, if you want to make room for content