FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11Once stirred can never be shaken. It creates a bond. Thames Bond Guaranty, Limtd, was the firm of record." Nobody ever quoted Douche correctly. They just wanted to say they did.
10That nobody dare to criticise/ The way the Raven flies/ And protects us from evil spirits/ Just as the silent majority won't hear it
10of that whole Middle Earth fiasco. Plus there was the height disparity. At first the human-elf rivalry at the North Pole was the typical juvenile hijinks, but when Papa Elf took a
12what the purveyor labeled "The Matter of the Minions" but was really just a timesnap of Lady Bargemore's maid purchasing a bolt of cloth. Moodle's Past Grabber had missed a more in
10and yelled "Roll!" I rolled toward her, smothering my flames, before I noticed the platter of fresh rolls in her hands. "You saved my life, Mrs. McGurk," I said, taking a roll.