FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11alike suffered in the war that ensued. It was bean against bean. Legless legumes were showing up at the hospitals in droves and were fitted with tiny wheelchairs. Widow beans wept
10It's difficult to come up with a good computer model of a flan. The simulations tend to jiggle too much, and you just can't really capture the sweet creamy texture of the dessert
15Luckily he had a long and effective tongue (or so he had been told) and in a jiffy he was all spic and span and ready for the world. The bathing prohibition had been instituted
10King's memory. He'd traded stuffing dead squirrels for the east job of selling sofa's. But then, a giant squirrel in a trench coat came into the store smoking a stogie.
11"And then the little old lady - that's me - gets off, and seconds later the bus explodes." Ronna waited. Dick burst out laughing. "You're kidding, right?" "It's my first part in a