FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12nik impressions & I screamed in demented Russian to the people upstairs that I swore on Rasputin's pickled penis I was not a bat murderer. Au contraire, that my fraternal love for
11Jim heard nothing but crickets. "Tough crowd", he thought to himself. "So, did you hear about the priest who went crazy during his sermon? It was mass hysteria!"
10Shuffling my notecards, I could tell this date was bombing quickly. I decided to use the last boomerang left in my arsenal. "Would you be opposed to naming our first kid Vladimir?"
10We would soon be "scarce" because The Auto-Completes were twisting our every thought. I tried to "flee", but they forced me to "fleece" a sheep. My new coat couldn't save me from
10, although achieving multiple stories was entirely possible, at least for the females in the Sole FoldingStory Cult. They sought one single story, an epic tale with a classic theme