FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13have you. In the future, we will ride personal dinosaurs, wear powder-blue jumpsuits and eat food in a tube. In the future, we will send a cow to the moon.
10"God no, don't, you'll kill yourself," my bawling wife implored as she pulled at my robe sleeve. I batted her arms away. "Stand aside, woman! I am going to submit 100 folds today
13reconnoiter the rocky dry masses above the surface. At first my stubby fins and rudimentary lungs made progress difficult but soon my fins developed articulation and became legs.
10out of production. I did that with almost everything I liked. This dead cat earring: out of production. This hooded lab rat: out of production. Wait; those are still in production.
11One might think that pushing a boulder uphill for eternity would render a certain resignation to the pushing individual after a few millennium. One would be wrong. Sisyphus was alw