FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13just settled our brains for a long winter's nap. When down in the cellar there arose such a shriek, I sprang from my coffin to snatch a quick peek! Away to the stairwell, I flew
13I leant on a pillar in aisle 6 reading the nutritional information on a Trader Joe's Belgian Chocolate Pudding. Apparently 'No Belgians were harmed in producing this pudding'. But
16Sepia toned, haunting lullabies poured forth from a steely guitar while the brassy voice of the singer stirred us.
13At way. Expect the unexpected, this was my motto. Battish had an interesting alphabet and punctuation. Plus accent marks similar to Vietnamese. I had a notebook ready to practise.
10The most effect drug for curing Alien Hand Syndrome is Graoladge. Side effects include drooling, talking incoherently, morphing into a full alien, and occasionally certain death.