FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Harry! That's no way to talk about our Muffy. It's not her fault she was made from a box. Not every muffin can be made from scratch!" Blueberry Harry looked down at Muffy's stump.
10I watched as the bus drove away, not quite understanding why I didn't feel any pain. The wind blew a balloon from a child's hand as it passed, and a dog ran into the street
11someone had snuck in and made a paper mache replica of him. He tried to fill Herman with Chupa Chups and hang him from the ceiling for the children to beat. The orangutan ate him.
11but I'll keep trying different flavors of seduction until her resolve melts in my mouth. I've already banged all the pots & pans so it's time to settle down with Casoletta to make
10Lighting the blow torch, he aimed it at the nest. Fwoomp! The moths caught on fire, and I watched as the burnt bodies littered the ground with ash. "That'll teach them," he said.