FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10This is your brain on foldingstory.
10But everything was not fine. These were not Care Bears. They were Scare Bears and Mister Cuddles started touching me in ways I did not like. I quickly stuffed him in the toybox.
16His business card next to the glogg. I made an appointment for next week, the earliest date. By then, I am supposed to have polished off half the glogg. Shark Lady stopped by too.
10Nasty Wife #1 suggested I go jump off a cliff. Nasty Wife #2 had already left me for another man more capable of drinking Kool-Aid without burping. Nasty Wife #3, well, she was
12yellow swimsuit and sandals. She was sunbathing one day, like a giant banana on the beach, wearing over-sized sunglasses. Several sea monkeys serving sandwiches stumbled into her.