FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
33a word from our sponsor." [Voiceover]: "Tired of your mother ruling your life? Whispering criticisms in your ear? Demanding EVERYTHING from you?"[Eyebrows lifting] "Try Bates' new
10"So," I said to my date over dinner, "tell my your opinion on betrayal." She dropped the spoon into her soup. "Ha! Who are you working for? Russia? Korea? Not the French, surely?
11there was a beautiful little girl named Pokarina and her favorite thing to do was skip stones on the chocolate milk lake by her candy cottage..." Despite myself I snuggled down
10. Being berried alive is a cruel form of execution. The victim is inhumed with berries. As a final insult, a tombstone is buried with him. I, unworthy sacrifice, had been berried.
10I hung the gew-gaw from my neck, so I would always remember that fatal error. Never again would I know love, or what it feels like to not have killed my own family. I turned to