FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10George didn't bring the Christmas Goose to dinner again. Last year, everyone got sick from eating it. This year, George had a Christmas Horse. Aunt Phoebe was flabbergasted. She
13Apologies for my inevitable rambling account of my best friend Frank, but there's so much to say that it's going to be difficult to put it in any sort of order whatsoever. Frank is
11(Based on a true story) On nights like this, my dad would go to the garage, turn on the UV lights, and suck up moths with a vacuum cleaner.
11going to teach them a thing about goat, teen boy, and goat-boy etiquette. "And dammit, pick up that mess," I said. "The pottery is bad enough, but grandpa's ashes need to be
12Dentene, god of fresh breath..." his voice trailed off as the sedatives kicked in. He mused. What if he really was washed up? Already? Maybe he should reconsider prostitution.