FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13I am going to go play dead for the next 4 years; hold all my calls.
11who had a Fu Manchu mustache and answered questions with questions. JMan showed the wise Det the dragon tracks and asked if they had their culprit. The wise Det said "Is it a crime
15cade, ducking my head as the paparazzi chased me relentlessly. Since when did ugly become the new "sexy"? I spotted an open manhole in the street & jumped in. They wouldn't follow
14The sea monkeys had stumbled right into her body through her ear. Two of the sea monkeys got wax-trapped and died. The other 45 trudged on, this mission was for the universe.
10be true. . .WAS he a racist--a misogynistic, red-necked, dumber than a pile of rocks, Nazi-loving, good-for-nothing, Putin's-ass-kissing, homophobe with money? You decide!