FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
14In his saffron robes and domino mask he became the first Buddhist superhero. He would approach robbers and advise them not to take too much, just the right amount. His sidekick,
17She brought sad news about the Land Sharks. They had finally retreated, completely, to the Western Oceans and the beach front lifestyle. The price of glogg was expected to follow
10Blank stares. Finally someone said "Is that that new one on Bravo?" Disgusted, the cooking instructor said "No, nevermind, look, just mix the scalded milk mixture into the eggs and
10and resembled wings. The feathers were leathery though, more reptilian than birdlike. Ariel wrapped his arms about me, whirled us around, and stirred up dust. I inhaled and saw
10on the wheel out of this world. The mayor's groin unfurled and bloomed into a beautiful flower, a pre-cursor to reincarnation. If you take requests, I'd like to be a cat, Buddah.