FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12randy bandicoots, seven dancing dingos, eight ejaculating echidnas, nine nesting numbats, ten
10He was known variously as a deep thinker, a risk taker, a loser. The kinda guy to pass out on a sea cliff with an empty nitrous balloon in one hand & his underwear in the other.
10I know I went to confession just this morning, but a lot can happen in just a few hours. Father, It all started when I met Sister Emma at the bookstore and offered her a Cappuccino
10CLASSIFIED: When SlimWhitman reaches 10,000 points in FoldingStory, this website will self-destruct within 30 seconds.
11wondered about how much wonder bread his Fat Uncle Andy mopped up instant gravy with. Frankie was food tripping because the ants were taking his picnic.