FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10It was his arch-nemesis, Thomas Edison. "What a pleasant surprise, Tesla! I'll bet you're SHOCKED to see me!" Nicola smirked and replied, "Negative, Tom, but you do CHARGE me up."
10He dreamed of one Viet Kong hamster in particular. It had stepped on a land mine & was blown apart. Still, he sewed the little feller up as best he could. Pet MASH flashbacks were
12n't really nasty, she just left me because I was so grumpy about Nasty Wives #1 and 2. Wife #3 was kind and understanding, but smelled a bit off since I never paid the water bills.
14And with that snappy retort, I spun on my heel to make a dramatic exit...except that I tripped on the rug, stumbled headlong into the waiter, upsetting his tray of martinis & then
12Pooh left the therapist's office elated. He felt empowered. He'd finally gotten in touch with his inner self, something that he repressed. Piglet said, "Hi Pooh" and Pooh ate him.