FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12ng remorsefully into the fighting ring he'd once been king of, as he pulled decaying rat corpses out of the blocked changing room shower drain. He'd fallen so far.
12r. All the foldy people where do their folds come from? All the foldy people where do they all belong? Fr. Mackenzie writing the words to a fold earning only 1 point-so he smokes a
17As I lay dying on the road to Costco, I was passed by dozens of pilgrims, the holy, the walking ascended, in the world but not of it, their faces lit by their uplifted palms, resi
13"I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!" C'thulu proclaimed. And the eldrich abominations just ran away.
12"Was it a mecca-dauber or a betting pencil?" The chorus sang back in response.