FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12Research has found that the percentage of FoldingStory users with 3 figure IQs is equal to the percentage of bananas that are straight. From this we can conclude that
10I'd saved and saved and it was finally here: my interpretive sign for the center about How to Water a Tree. Most people think you can
13The only way out now was to continue eating Uncle Hugo and hope he gets separated from the pudding when he comes out my backside. This was sounding bad all around. Uncle Hugo had a
11She jabbed at the tripe and scoured at it. He merely sighed in ecstasy. She stared at the pig knuckles in paralyzed terror. He merely gazed at her perfect face.
10Retired Inspector Lewis met his young friend at the Potato Bug Museum off Trafalgar Square. "I don't mean this snarkily, James, but should we call you Reverend Hathaway now?" James