FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10ladies began to spin the tassles attached to their nipple pasties. My youngest kid said, "This is much better than the guys undressing at mommy's shows. They only got one twirler."
13"I don't care who started it, I'm finishing it!" C'thulu proclaimed. And the eldrich abominations just ran away.
10. Since the creature was beyond comprehension, Number One did a perfectly human thing: he pretended it wasn't there,enraging the morphed orb creature. So it became a dapper young
11Weewooweewoo... The paramedics shook their heads. "You're totally forked. There's nothing we can do for you. Call a cutler." [later] The cutler shook his head. "43 forks in the ass
14ld you give Dame Whitty a soup facial when we are clearly waiting for our first course?" I shouted at the waiter, who was fairly dancing with apologies. He ran back to the kitchen