FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13it meant she'd have to turn down the full scholarship Harvard offered her. What to do? What to do? She pondered the dilemma for quite some time before she chose dog beauty school.
11in a cedar bowl with "wild caught" salmon chili flakes and pink salt crumbs. This was the most esoteric snack ever created. All food talk would be trumped by my creation.
10hear Pete--that's what I called him: Mr. Pete the parakeet--whistling and swearing. . .God, I miss him. . .but he was in a better place: Tippy:s Taco House under 6 inches of gravel
11what I tasted like. Now I could find out without having to chop off and cook one of my appendages. I longingly gazed at my clone with my mouth watering. NO! My clone was for
10. Despite the conflict of interest, Pink Floyd would proceed to review and give advice on Hemp Panties. The SEC started an investigation into potential insider trading by Pink Floy