FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Absolutely not! How dare you make such an absurd suggestion. What on Earth makes you think you are worthy of my folds? My folds are the finest folds known to mankind and just so yo
12Hector Berlioz, hubba-hubba--" Molly stopped him with a wave of her hand. "If you come up with one more alliteration, I'm reporting you to the police. He opened his mouth and
14Mean to be Periwinkle Ramona? Regina & Delores Mudd glanced at each other. "The band is a musical worship to the human fungus." "What human fungus?" "We're not allowed to talk abo-
10"I'm worried, Tad," I said, touching the tiny stain. "If reincarnation is true, this potato bug could well return as something else & seek revenge." Tad nodded. A large shadow
10Frederick fished, fairly fraught from ferocious food. Forgiving Felicity for fondly following Frank, Frederick fastened feathers for fast flight. Frederick flew freely from Franc