FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13As I set up ant traps around the kitchen, Bob Dylan's "Blowin' in the Wind" was playing on the radio. It was then that I misheard the lyrics as "the ants are my friends..."
12think it has something to do with the name "Wayne." It reminds me of that old show, "Wayne's World." You know those two were high on something.
11"Bah humbug." Scrooge said. Thanksgiving was a sham. He threw turkey at townspeople and went home smiling. That evening, he was visited by three birdbrained ghosts. Chains rattled
12ive with a decidedly aquamarine air waddled up to the foot of the bed. "Just as I suspected. You've been folding in your P.J.s haven't you?" "Why no Mr. Manatee sir", I stammered
12Horrible, no good, dirty-rotten, son-of-a-biscuit