FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11refined taste and devilish good looks. His toe decided to call itself Carl and pleaded with a court of law to release him from servitude to the rest of the foot. The judge frowned
11Valetta was a hidden ruby amongst the jetsam of womankind. She was a whore in the bedroom, a cook in the kitchen & something else somewhere else... fill in the gaps yourself. Men w
11ved my arm pits. "It's just so... ish." she quipped as she plucked the last of the hairs. I became weak as new-born lamb, "Curse you woman! Now I'll never be champion!"
12and searching for a place to rain. No, no, maybe the lead character is the cloud. That's it and the dying sun ray is her lover. Which means the raindrops are tears. So sad. Enter
10Lighting the blow torch, he aimed it at the nest. Fwoomp! The moths caught on fire, and I watched as the burnt bodies littered the ground with ash. "That'll teach them," he said.