FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10with the mojo. Plus, my back was killing me. Most of the squidmen in my family either had back problems or high ink counts. I had both. But I could still party days on end. I wante
10(8) Prosthetic limbs for my pet spider 'Lucky' who thought it would be fun to challenge Brutus the body building dung beetle to a tug-of-war and lost big time. 9.
10Steve Jobs awoke from a restful nap in first class. The plane had dipped to a 80 degree angle. "Someone must have left their IPad on." he pondered. He leapt into action.
13I can clearly not go down that path. Learning Battish was my only alternative. That was not an alternative I wished to consider further but every way I figured I always wound up th
10. Despite the conflict of interest, Pink Floyd would proceed to review and give advice on Hemp Panties. The SEC started an investigation into potential insider trading by Pink Floy