FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10I narrowed my eyes. He flared his nostrils. I raised an eyebrow. He stuck his tongue out. I flopped one hand around just out of sight and then slapped him hard with the other hand
10story about a guy's first day working at a quick lube shop at the Mos Eisley spaceport. His train or never comes back from lunch and he then finds out his arm got cut off at
12I told her to fork off. She's potty. Casoletta on the other hand is a different kettle of fish. She's a dish I'd bake cookies with. I haven't found the recipe to garnish her danish
10Do not - I repeat - do NOT like SlimWhitman's folds. Foldingstory cosmos is a real multiverse. The 'stories' actually take place there. However we have discovered that by liking
14." Gen. Kebab and the Meats hated Minister Salad & his Veggies. But they could not ignore the threat posed when Sgt. Relish unnaturally merged forces with Col. Mayo on 1000 Island.