FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13Flopp writes this to commend Firebolt391d for just being such a rad person and an all round amazing human. And that goes for the next folder too, after all, this is
12She'll surely take me back this time. After making a few adjustments to my appearance, I walked to her room and knocked. But when she opened the door, there was another man with
10I do not like them, Herman Cain." "Would you like them freshly slain, shedded bare, or with chow mein?" "I would not like snakes in a train. I would not like them freshly slain,
10certain David Blaine encased his head in a block of ice for a week. Rattaiah, cursed, "That was my idea!" So began the start of the deuling fakirs. Rope tricks not withstanding, he
13amusing, witty, even musical sometimes. Lucielucie was the one everyone was following. Abusive? Rude? May it never be!! Hold it, who is that entering? It's