FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10blatant weakness for hoes, but turned the experience into the selfhelp bestseller, 'Men Who Love Skanky @$$ Hoes Too Much'. Kerching!
10eluded her. She just didn't have an ear for rhyming words. Whaaat?! You say poetry doesn't have to rhyme? Yeah, well tell that to Dr. Suess, the greatest poet that ever lived.
10Maybe when I answered that Craig's List ad, "Hermit wanted: Decent Pay, Room and Board. Willing to relocate to Whale's Ruin Bay." I sat making circles with the sea shells.
10That was because underneath her wimple, Sister Ornelia was actually a homicidal kangaroo who had been scheduled to be "put down" at the circus, but had escaped and gone on a
12a taker, not a giver. You NEVER vote for my folds, you slacker!" The voice from his computer screen pouted. "Let's make a deal, shall we? Write one decent fold, just ONE, & I'll