FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10fish shaped candy.Listening to the sunset, whilst the rays of dawn echoed in his third eye,John knew he was no longer sane. But he couldn't care less,for the world was one with him
12on a magazine rack. And he received no flak for the yak of his jack. But he was taken aback by an attack from some quack riding a hack (without slack) on a railroad track.
13that shaved daily with a cutthroat razor. 49erFaithful was unaware of the plot and hid in a corner whilst a stampede of wild camels galloped by. The window of opportunity opened
12ersity professor went postal when the question for "This starship captain kicked the most ass" turned up "who is Picard", but casualties were light & Trebek survived so no bigee.
10blatant weakness for hoes, but turned the experience into the selfhelp bestseller, 'Men Who Love Skanky @$$ Hoes Too Much'. Kerching!