FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Piaget's chiseled chest. Piaget said he'd push me out of my zone of proximal fold development, but first he had to get something off his chest. He put the gun down & gave me a bran
11Wife #10 isn't my wife yet. She is only ten right now. I have a few years to wait for the marriage. Everything is in order and the whole temple knows we're betrothed. I doubt I'll
10gets a new torch filled with explosives, let it blow. If Justice loses her blindfold, pay her off", and all start laughing like a pack of hyenas. "We need to divert attention away
10a bowl of porridge & off her rocker to boot. Bert fired up the bong & blew smoke rings in Goldy's face while Ernie baked some hash cookies. When Mr. McFeely came to make a speedy
10Unfortunately the oil disguised the natural scent of her mate. She identified him as a foe & shot off a couple of arms which fatally pierced his mantle. He died in a puddle of ink.