FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10"Hello, this is Sean Hannity. I'm not here right now. In case of accidental voodoo, please leave a message." I didn't know where to begin. "There was this poisoned pin, and this
11when Portia DeRossi arrived, demanding to know why Kaitlyn Jenner was making goo-goo eyes at Ellen. Before she could reply, Portia shoved Kaitlyn’s face into the punch bowl. Ellen
13other Fallunker was bespun with Dirligigs. Fagan was always slothing his Gefurtwenger but this Clfwaang had insulted his pride. Spoke Fagan, " I'll be snickered & snackered before
10Lord, who was testing our faith/fucking with us. "Do you believe in dinosaurs?" was heaven's entrance exam; the correct answer was "no." One guy who learned this the hard way was
10had addled his mind. A common side effect of time travel. He spun the dial on his machine in a final desperate attempt to return to the present. He closed his eyes and hoped.