FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10Foxi Red LaRue was a tough vixen. She kept her den clean but things ended up getting done when getting them done meant that Foxi got done. She liked getting got. She like it a lot.
11seductively licked the honey off of his Paw. "Oh bother, Christopher Robin.. Are you sure that you can't stay? I am sure that Piglet will be here any moment" he moaned
10Frankîe tripped over a small customer with his clubfoot & his tablet with whole pork crashed into a chandelier & fell on the cheese trolley. The maître d' called him a dumb waiter
13It began to thunder and Eeyore began to worry. But he couldn't be bothered to move from where he stood by his thistle patch. He was, unsurprisingly, struck by lightning, which caus
10Internet access. Emperor Snailien closed airports and promoted international travel by sailing ships. Letters were to be hand written in fine calligraphy. People walked rather than