FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13I knew this might be my only chance to be truly self-serving. I prepared a nice salad as my clone thawed in the starship's galley. Never much of a cannibal, but I did wonder
13I managed my way into the jungle and mated with a strong male. I was shocked when instead of eggs, I delivered 2 live babies, covered in fur. They were intelligent & walked instead
10my larynx was impaled by a pitchfork, so it came out, "Ngggghh, ngggsshh!" Of course, they couldn't stop me. Gory gobs of blood-n-stuff dribbled down my shirt. The hillbillies
10The 10 travelers woke to find the Garden of Earthly delights was now a hellish wasteland.The Gardener had weed whacked everything except the weeds and there were ten 6’x3’x6’ holes
13The only way out now was to continue eating Uncle Hugo and hope he gets separated from the pudding when he comes out my backside. This was sounding bad all around. Uncle Hugo had a