FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I snatched the kryptonite from the quickly receding tide and pocketed it, vowing to resolve this matter with the CEO of Ikea: my own twin brother.
12However, it wasn't very aesthetically pleasing. But this was the post-Tom Green era, when the aesthetes became as dead as the language that spawned their name, & with them, merit.
12Unfortunately I also was allergic to berries. There I was, six feet under, covered in hives, and itchy as hell. To escape, I punched through the coffin lid and clawed through
18his dog, a precise 12.87 cm behind him. Truth be told, it kinda freaked him out. He considered leaping over the Smith fence and losing them, but he'd never had a tail before & it
13I can clearly not go down that path. Learning Battish was my only alternative. That was not an alternative I wished to consider further but every way I figured I always wound up th