FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13dered quariously, chowning three deedle-dees in the piehole. The mob peeted Fagan over & over, until he grumlopped into the sadd. Hoomla! Then, just before Fagan dumpled, a zenitar
11want-to-be novelist who would always show up at the party, drink all the box wine, and recite passages from the unseen book he was working on. FS is the drug for this schmoe.
10A ‘V’ of storks flew into Saint Petersburg Maternity Ward to steal babies again. Babies were Russia’s #1 export, so their economy was crumbling. Storks slew roubles, as well as
10What is the end game of Evil? Once Good is destroyed what will Evil do? Where does Evil see itself in 5 years? Has Evil considered the Balkans? In what light does Evil shine bright
15Have you ever noticed that "Arkansas" is just "Kansas" with an "Ar" in front of it?