FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10dinglehopper. Oh great, I shouldn't have written the word "schecklemabobwowa" because now you just read it and the evil curse is upon you! Quick, the antidote spell! You must
11that the society help out by recycling all used bottles and printing on both sides of the paper. But the society didn't listen, and life on Earth ended in the year 2047.
10at least until chrome was invented, but as we all know, chrome wasn't built in a day.
13Lucielucie, the official slag of Folding Story, wasn't fussy about who she folded with. People who were confused about their writing style or just confused, found her easy virtue
10had addled his mind. A common side effect of time travel. He spun the dial on his machine in a final desperate attempt to return to the present. He closed his eyes and hoped.