FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I snatched the kryptonite from the quickly receding tide and pocketed it, vowing to resolve this matter with the CEO of Ikea: my own twin brother.
11and into the eye socket of a Vietnam Vet who'd lost his eye in battle. The vet had removed his patch right as the button flew in. The button had been made in Vietnam. It whispered
11Then Hillary walks in with a whip wearing a leather cat suit & stiletto heals & she's dragging Donald by a dog collar. Then I wake up in a cold sweat. What could it mean, Doc?
12e to work it's slow grumbly magic in his multichambered gut. As Det. Manatee ruminated, the hunch passed from fore to hindgut becoming a suspicion, and then a hardened stoolpigeon!
11was postponed due to rain predicted that Saturday. Godzilla and Lobsterman caught up on sleep while they revamped their invasion attempts.