FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13They knew the brain was a universe in itself; myriads of neurons in lieu of galaxy clusters. The leading sea monkey bore through the inner ear and was first to reach the cortex.
10snack, and then went back, to his cadillac, to give his sack a good shalaque to a picture of shaq, that he had in a stack
11What? You didn't know the good Detective solved cases in Indonesia? Then its my duty to relate the Great Komodo Caper. JMan was visiting a distant Dugong relative in Sumatra when
11There is one thing I know for sure about myself: I don't know how to write a college essay. I can ride a horse while standing up and juggling, I can paint a better painting than
10The child ran from the building, carried out into the night on tiny feet. The child looked for help, but seeing the stars above, quieted. There are stories everywhere. We can pick.