FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10issing the $600 dollars I had placed in it. Without my money, I had no way of returning home. Not that money would have helped, considering I appeared to be in an entirely differen
10the local news station: The Local-motive. Unfortunately, his plan did not work, meaning he wasn't hired and he was shamed forever for applying the tic tacs in the wrong order. "Oh-
10"Let us consult the magic orb!" replied the first. "Magic Orb are we necromancers?" replied the second shaking vigourously. "Reply hazy ask again." replied the ball.
11"You're wrong," said Eeyore gloomily. "We can't all & some of us don't. That's all there is to it. I don't do mellow." He then wandered to his thistle patch to stand in the rain.
12gasped in shock and cut to commercial break. Off in the distance a thunderous rumbling could be heard, the hoofs of the approaching Kardashian sisters...and they were mad as hell.