FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
10of course climbed the third. "Bugger this Bramble of Buggery." Was the general consensus of the travellers after a rough ten minutes. "Let's find a nice Fern of Fondling instead."
10As we approached the summit, the aurora shone brilliantly above us, reminding us all of just how tiny and pathetic we are in the vastness of space and time. We were truly humbled.
12slightly mauled me. I must have lay there on the side of the road for a while, unconscious.When I came to, the spare rib was still in my hand & Porky Pig stood above me, glaring.
10at least until chrome was invented, but as we all know, chrome wasn't built in a day.
11Slappy the Mad Clown, Custer, Mrs. McGurk, the Asian woman. And all of the writers here are all subject to characterization. "Why do you ask?" The PurpleProf asked. The little boy