FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
13was Sonic the Hedgehog, whose tryst with Edward Cullen sparked a flame war in the comments. VampStamp69 posited that Edward was not the "friggin queermo" my fanfic claimed. Others
10Fat Boy Skinny and I met at the Sunset Grill…back when the Imperial Highway was still a dream…where a man with a washboard, spoon and harmonica could tell tales from times gone by.
20sharp objects. Gatekeepers gathered an odd assortment of forbidden items at the balloon animal zoo entrance. Sophie stowed her knitting needles though. She had to finish
10After 10 days of white-out in a pup-tent, the weather cleared and we ventured to the peak. When reaching the summit, I checked my GPS. We were on the wrong mountain
145) Burned all of my SilverSpoons episodes to disc. I love me some Ricky Shroder. 6) Re-record my answering machine message to include my new kitten's name, Meowsers. 7) Go grocery