FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
11I entered my apartment and smelled sulfur. Satan had been here, and I was willing to bet he was taking Cheryl out right now. I knew I never should have trusted Satan around my girl
12Dick nodded his head, "Yes I like the idea, 'Sweep Dreams' for the new show, but we can't call the participants 'bums' or 'prostitutes'. We have to call them
13I managed my way into the jungle and mated with a strong male. I was shocked when instead of eggs, I delivered 2 live babies, covered in fur. They were intelligent & walked instead
10of all the secrets that passed between the two, my dog and our newly hired dog walker. I knew they spoke of my manuscripts, my failed manuscripts. I watched from the window,
10. A young Tibitian looked at the silver tea pot and saw his reflection distorted. The kettle whistled and he hastily prepared oolong for the Dalai Lama. Elsewhere, a man dreamed.