FoldingStory is a group storytelling game.
Enter the fold.
12I owned an angry computer. It always automatically added curse words to my instant message text, whoever I was sending it to. Alas, I could not afford anything else.
10I frantically beeped down a patrol car & showed the officers the turd in my backseat:"I've no idea how it got could be dangerous! You guys have to remove it!" The cops
12tapping from the outside of the hull. We were in deep space, what could be out there? I peered into the void at a spacesuit. The visor depolarized and I so my own face, frightened.
10Cold sweat ran down my back. Picturing drunken alfred puking in the just detailed bat mobile was causing a panic attack. Pulling over i tucked him beneath a bush to come back for
11Lou Bergs had traveled all the way through time to mow my lawn. He swore that my single mom's grilled chicken breast was worth the trouble, though I suspected darker motives. Penet